Thursday, October 8, 2009

Digital Experimentssssssssss

No Digital Stimulation
This was a little tough to do. I turned off my television and my computer for around 6 to 7 hours tops until I finally went to bed. Writing this blog is finally the time I got back on my computer and watching television again. I was at the MoMa all day till around 6 where I am starting my next experiment of forced digital stimulation. For the lack of digital stimulation experiment I found it quite irritating for I was so use to being able to watch television and go on the computer whenever I get the slightest bit bored. Even when I am just watching television and i get bored of that I can go on my computer for a different type of digital stimulation. The fact that I had nothing digital to stimulate me I felt so bored. I eat so much food as we all know (thus reminding me of the food unit) of how we eat food to help quench boredom. Besides stuffing up my boredom with snacks I sat and lay on my bed for about 30 minutes just thinking about stuff. Random things like life, school, relationships, funny things, memories.

I also sketched a little which is somewhat my hobby but I do not do it as much mainly because there are other things like the television to "excite" me and keep me company. So this was a positive of having no digital stimulation, I do certain things that I enjoy and do more useful things. I would have most likely done homework but there wasn't any which made it even more boring. I attempted to snoop around like a sad puppy for some social interaction. I followed my dad around the apartment a little while he was cooking food and talking to his girlfriend on the computer. I poked him and asked him random question and asked him to tell me stories about my childhood. I ended up annoying him so he kicked me out. :) It was fun while it lasted. I also took a long hot shower which felt really soothing. Usually i take quick showers so I don't miss much of the program that I am watching on television.

Although I was not that bored to the point where I went insane or did random chores like mop the floor and clean the dishes. I think this was mainly because I knew that eventually I would end up using these digital devices again. I just needed to suck it up for the rest of the night. I kept on looking at the time a lot as well. Time seemed to go slower when you do not know what to do and when digital devices are not there to distract you. I think that there were good and kind of bad things about not having digital stimulation. or maybe this is how it feels when trying to cure any addiction at all. It feel uncomfortable, like something is missing. Although in the end if we really stick to it we can get use to it and adapt to it like we adapted to using a lot of digital devices.

In the morning I had more trouble waking up which is quite strange since I went to bed pretty early. I kept on touching the snooze button and kept telling myself to give it 5 more minutes. I am not sure if this is caused by the experiment from the night before or if it was a Thursday and I knew that school was going to be a half day. Maybe the lack of digital stimulation caused myself to be more relaxed and made it more comfortable to sleep? After school I did not run home to get on the computer and watch television mainly because it was a Thursday and because I guess I was kind of getting content with the fact of not being digital stimulated at all. This is when I decided randomly to go to the MoMa just because I always wanted to go. And I must say it was really cool. :) So I thought this whole few hour experience was pretty interesting. Would I do it again? Probably not unless I had a really good reason. I know it sounds sad but its hard to resist when the television and computer is sitting right in front of me majority of the day as if its begging "chloe chloe! Help me! Press the power button! Do it.. dooooo itttttttt......" Although if something were to happen to my home where it blows up and i loose all my digital possessions, would I be able to adapt to living without them? It may take a while but probably yes.

Here are pictures from the MoMa. Thought I should share them because it was really awsome.

This one is my favorite, the guy who did this had a daughter that died and as you can see the pink and cute hearts, starts, and bears with the chains, gates, and barbed wire shows how he is chained and locked him emotions and cannot let go of the fact that he lost his daughter. :(

This one is basically saying that the only person who can help you is yourself. The red cross represents help and the mirror reflects you.

This one is about the loss of a pregnancy. Its like an egg being broken by a long prong like things.

And this is all the cool stuff I saw which is the benefit of being outside instead of being inside and being in front of the television.


  1. Chloe,

    Great post.

    Museums - a 19th century version of the internet.

  2. Chloe, I also thought this post was great.

    I wish I could have been at the Moma with you, these pieces of art are so raw and interesting and have such meaning behind them.

    It seems like you digital fast made you think out aspects of your life much more, since you were so insightful about the process.

    Thanks for being so open and honest and sharing your inner most thoughts.

    Even though i've known you for years, your blog is really helping me see deeper into what a cool person you are.

    Good job mama :D
