Monday, January 11, 2010

My Grandma has her eyebrows TATTOOED

So whenever I think about tattoos or when someone shows me or talks to me about tattoos I think or say "Im going to get my tattoo as soon as I get the money." So I see why I may say this for certain reasons, one reason is that it is I finically am not able to afford a tattoo as they are actually quite expensive. And second is because tattoos are the new trend, its the new "cool" thing to get. It shows off how cool you are as you were able to sit through the billions of stabs in your pores. It is another way of showing a meaning or an image of who you are and what you experienced. There are the people who are brave enough to get a tattoo and feel the accomplishment of sitting through the session and being able to brag about it later. And there are the people like me who want to be a part of the whole tattoo trend to be cool so I say things like "i'll get a tattoo soon" and use the excuse of not having the money.

Saying how badly I want a tattoo and how I will get it sooner or later would still let me be part of the cool tattoo trend without actually getting the tattoo and without actually admitting that I will most likely end up never getting one. My initial idea of a tattoo is to get my chinese name tattooed. If I were to get this tattoo and people asked me what it represented since it would be in chinese I would tell them that it was my chinese name. There is no story behind it but it would be projecting a part of me, showing how I am aware of my chinese culture. In reality though, even though I speak Cantonese (chinese) I actually do not know how to read or write. I do not know how to write my chinese name, only say it in chinese. So would this make me a fake chinese? If I were to get a tattoo of my chinese name (which for those of you who do not know, it is not just "Chloe" translated to chinese. There is no such thing as this), would I just be flaking my chinese culture.

I think tattoos represent a different meaning to every person and gives a different feeling to every person. Ali Jo gets tattoos which gives her a feeling of bravery and accomplishment while filling her need for attention yet she mentions how her tattoos initially have no thought put into them. As Mr. Fanning has his tattoos that kind of show a timeline of his life. It is a reminder to him of his accomplishments or his experiences to this very day, like the japanese word for "bravery" tattooed which represented his time in the operating room. His tattoos act as an armor to him, giving him the sense of who he is and no one can change that. A big FU to the conservative people. My grandma has her eyebrows tattooed, my mother and aunt their eyeliner tattooed (tattooed there eyelids. I know this sounds weird but it doesn't not as weird as it sounds, you can hardly notice it) as it was the latest trend when they were younger. They all went to get it together which makes me think it was kind of like a right of passage thing like Mr. Fanning's first tattoo or something that enabled them to bond as they all shared this moment of courage and accomplishment.

So as everyone else is fulfilling their feeling of accomplishment and bravery and getting permanently reminders of something or sometime in their lives, I will most likely be a total chicken and just keep saying that I will get my tattoo some day soon when I get the money. And although I have do not have tattoos I use to have a crap load of piercing, so maybe a small reason for not getting tattoos is that I have already felt that accomplishment and bravery feeling from piercing but I am not sure if they count or have the same sort of representation or feeling. I guess I wouldn't know until I actually get a tattoo which I plan on getting...soon........yeah right.

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