Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Super Draft!!

Introducción(Trying to up my Spanish skills so that my boyfriend thinks I'm cool by trying because he's Spanish. Translations may not to accurate, don't make fun of me...)
Being called fake is probably one of the biggest insults known to teenagers. It is a term used to imply that someone is not being someone you are not, or in other words you are not being "your true self". I have used my share of this statement before our exploration of cool. For instance I have told a friend to be herself when she was nervous about meeting a guy, looking back on all the moments I have sad "be yourself" I come to think; what does that even mean exactly? Who is your true self or what is it?There is no explanation of what this "true self" is. The concept of being "our true self" is an incorrect concept which is seen as the same level as being cool but it is a way for us to subconsciously cover up our empty feeling from acknowledgment of mortality. In reality we all just play roles to fit what we call "our true self."


Human beings have this feeling of emptiness, it is not sure where it is located but this feeling can branch out to many things, I think it depends on the person. It can be a feeling of loneliness, sadness, anger, melancholy, disappointment, un-importance, or a mixture. It can also depend on the social situation and people a person is surrounded with. Being able to identify that this emptiness exist does not thoroughly explain what it is, to get closer to what it is can be found by exploring where it comes from and/or why.

If you really thought about our significance, we are all just specks in this huge world, out of around 6 billion people thinking for yourself you are just one tiny speck that will probably never be famous/recognized by the masses out of 6 billion or have any importance. Shrinking this idea down to high school size, even in a high school of 400 teenagers you are just 1 of 400. This can make someone feel vulnerable and worthless, along side with not knowing the meaning of one's life or ones identity, this is when we generate a identity depending on certain situation thus calling it "true selves". This making one reason to why we may thrive for being cool, we generate identities for ourselves that are comfortable enough to wear and will give us some sort of recognition out of the large mass of people. Giving a feeling as if the hallow space of emptiness is being filled by a speckle of matter.

The second reason from which this emptiness comes from is from Becker's Theory of acknowledgment of death. If everyone was asked if they wanted to do something significant before they die they would most likely answer "yes". Everyone has to feel as if they are doing something important before they die, whether it is fulfilling a long thriving goal or feel significant to others. Everyone wants to fulfill some sort of important roll or do something that seems worth living for before you die. This can be caused of actually realizing that one day we are going to die. Thus making great new shows such as the Buried Life on MTV about 4 guys traveling the world to fulfill their '100 things do do before you die' list and helping others fulfill their choice as well(http://www.theburiedlife.com/about/). Knowing that we are just temporary make us feel insignificant which causes us to have "lists" or "accomplishments" before we die which is what causes us to want to be cool. Being able to be cool is a sense of fulfilling something on our list before we die. We cover up being scared of death with coolness.



  1. i like your whole how we use coolness to feel the emptiness we feel since we're all one out of a bunch of other people, and since we're all going to die anyways we want to make ourselves more significant. sorry if this version sucks D:.

    Also maybe you can add the thing andy mentioned about how we fill empty since we're no longer attached to our mom, and how we use whatever cost to fill that emptiness, and maybe how you'll never really be able to fill that emptiness, just feel pleasure from the attention you're getting.

    For you're maybe you can talk more about the roles we think, like name specific ones, and maybe add a story of how a person has so many things yet they still feel empty, i've read alot of stories like those, like where the king is living in a huge castle, surrounded by many maid, concubines and how hes still unhappy. you dont have to use this one, and of course you'll have to make your own with a non-happy ending since thats how most those types of stories end like.

  2. ps. i know its not done, but yours sounded interesting and i needed a partner so yah

