Monday, February 22, 2010

Research About School
This is mainly about the importance of class rank. Or more specifically how it may not be very important. The main point of a class rank is basically for students to be top 10% of there class. It is mainly used for college admissions. Colleges assign a admission officer that checks for a person's high school rank in there classes and with that and other requirements they determine whether you are "worthy" enough to be accepted into the college. It also talks about how it would effect a students performance in school if class ranking was removed. It seem as if removing class rank does remove actual evidence of who is in first place but it still does not remove the fact that a grade A student is still the best in class. They would continue to keep working hard to be the best in their class whether they have a piece of paper or knowledge of their class rank. Although it may also encourage students to try to do better.

I think I can really relate to this article. Mainly because I think high school is complete bull at times but it makes me feel like a hypocrite because I do so well in school apparently (according to my grades). I think it is the fact that school at times seems to be like a competition with other students. I feel the appreciation of getting a good grade and getting A's in classes. Maybe it is because growing up I was never real praised a lot or noticed for any abilities that I had so I keep trying to be the best at what I do or maybe the most organized at what I do. Proving to myself that I can do good, getting the A on the report card at the end of the semester gives a sense of accomplishment. As if all the hard work was worth it. Although it is weird that I would put in so much hard work for a little letter or number on a piece of paper. I do not know my class rank, and although I do not know it still does not stop me from doing really well. Neither does cause me to slack.
This article talks about this guy and his dad discussing about what are some key things that should be taught in school besides from choir classes such as math and English. There are many skills that should be being taught in school that would be actually helpful throughout our life. It talks about the difference between Book Smarts and Street Smarts. How Street Smarts may help us throughout life, these street smarts can otherwise to known as common sense. Some skills that this guy thought are life skills that should be taught in school include; How to Make Friends, How to deal with aging and he fact that we are going to die, and child care (how to take care of children, I guess when we have them). May not be something we are actually interested or relate to what we want to do in the future as a career but are actually basic skills of living.

I thought this was really interesting, there was so much discussions about schools teaching classes about things we need to know in our future such as how to do taxes and stuff I myself never really thought of classes that teach basic skills. I think these skills mentioned would be great. I mean a class to how to make friends, this would help me greatly for I do not have many friends, like really good friends (more then just a acquaintance), life life long friends. And I am not really good at making friends because at times I consider myself social awkward when I am not making small talk. So basically I think classes that directly help me as an individual would be of great interest such as how to great close bonds with family members or self defense classes or how to travel.
This is the 8 essential skills (apparently) that is not taught in high school or "Skills they didn't teach you in high school." This one is a little tiny bit different then the internet source above. As the previous one talks about stuff that needed to be taught such as how to make friends and how to cope with aging. This article relates a lot more to what was discussed in class. Things more broad such as how to speed read, how to manage time, how to negotiate and not get taken advantage of (much like Anias's idea), etc.

This is basically like an expanded idea of how school may not be teaching us significant life skills and things that we need in order to survive physically or mentally. Instead we learn about how to make a line of best fit on a graph, I mean a lot of the stuff in class may help us learn basic problem solving skills and think better but it is not as important as learning thing that can be seen as an everyday ritual. Like how to make sure you have good hygiene or how to clean things so its completely germ free. It makes me think of my boyfriend's foster sister who is 11 and just got her period a little while ago. She did not know what and I am guessing she was never taught by her parents as she is a foster child obviously, she figured there was something wrong and got scared, thought she was sick. My boyfriends mom had to explain and teacher what a period was, what to use during a period, and all the basics of what a women should do when they get there period. If there were a class like; what to expect in different stages of your life was taught then maybe things like this would not happen. Boys and girls would be less frightened or self conscious, etc.

When I was younger I had to travel back and forth between Hong Kong and New York since I was about 9 years old. I was never taught how to travel, what things to look out for, what to do if i felt sick, what foods to bring, where to look for gate numbers, what I was not suppose to bring on planes then I would have probably had a lighter time traveling and less of a scary one. I mean now I taught myself how to travel and it comes pretty easy to me when I travel being 18 and all but that was through all the crying cause I didn't know what was happening when a plane flight was delayed, I thought I was going to get lost in the middle of know where. Or what it meant when the guards check through all your personal belongings,or that you can asking ask the plane stewardess to bring you food and drinks. There are many life skills that should be taught depending on a personals individual role, needs, and lifestyles.

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So I was just thinking about when I went to school at HKIS in "lower primary" (thats what they called it) and how much fun it was and how much I actually enjoyed high school. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been life if my parents did not divorce of if my dad didn't go broke and was able to afford such an expensive school like HKIS, what would if have been like if I actually stayed and went there as a high school student. I was curious so I looked up the high school curriculum, my friend from Hong Kong who I knew since my days at HKIS would tell me how lucky I was I did not have to take sewing classes or cooking classes or modern technology classes or whatever. And in my mind I figured I would kill to take cooking, sewing, technology classes. So I wanted to compare the curriculum they have to School of the Future that primary only has Math, Science, English, Social Studies, and one year of electives which can be chosen from around 5 different subjects. Unless you failed a class of course.

Many of the courses at HKIS are pretty basic just like SOF. They have Math and Science. Although they have certain things different such as Modern Language which is something I could probably use. It apparently helps you have "Effective communication skills" which I could possibly use at times. They also teach Mandarin which I never stayed in HKIS enough to learn fully. My brother is able to speak cantonese and Mandarin. Unfortunately I was not, I would have liked to learn. There is Information Technology which I think teaches you how to use modern technology and Health and Well being which is definitely something that should be taught to kids. I personally would have liked to stay in HKIS i guess because it seems like it would better help me as a individual student. I doubt it would for a different student but for me it does so I guess there is always different schools or curriculums that is needed to fit each students individual needs.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

School Interviews

Interview 1- Male- 23 years
Did you enjoy school when you were in high school?
No I didn't because in my generation the education wasn't good, they did not have up to date technology, and it was unsafe.

What do you mean by unsafe?

There were a lot of gangs, violence, they a lot of weapons being brought in such as knives and such.

If there was something you could have changed to make your high school days better, what would it be?

Have the same kind of quality that a high school in Manhattan would have such as more teacher, more safety, more opportunities such as being able to get scholarships to good colleges or internships.

So what do you think the real point of school is?
Knowledge to get you ready for the future. Although I think high school should be 2 years rather then 4 years because a lot of the classes are not necessary to get into college or a program you want to get into.

If you could choose what classes you were able to learn in high school what would they be?

English because its really important. Chemistry or science because I want to be a radiologist so I would want to take a class that further my knowledge or get me ready for that.

Do you like school?

I don't feel like its a uncomfortable environment because I can't always live up to the standards that teachers have of me which makes me feel like a failure but I am looking forward to college because I am able to choose my classes that I want.

Do you think you would enjoy high school more if you could choose the classes you were learning? Any classes you want?
Yes, much better because then I would actually have a interest in the classes that I would have compared to being forced to learn something uninteresting to me.

What do you think the point of high school really is? prepare you for society, to help you cope with different personalities and set you up a future in the professional world. Although I don't always think that school does this justice.

How was school different in the past then to school now?
Well remember that I am two generations before you. I went to public schools in new jersey and in my opinion is that schools there were good in educations like what your learning (math, science, biology and all that stuff) but there are more individualized attention for kids now then now. And the work that are done today are more creative, the teachers are more creative.

What do you mean creative?

I think they try to make it more interesting for there student. When I went to school teachers taught more about whats written. The subjects were not as done creativity as it was done now. Although I never finished so what do I know?

Why didn't you finish?

Well I didn't really have a choice, I was forced to go to work to survive. My parents were divorced and I was put out to make a living for myself at the age of 16. I did finish, I finished high school at night and got a GED.

What do you think the point of school is now in my generation?

I think the point should be to keep the interest up for the students for the kid to go on to college or have a good oppourtunity to find a good career beyond Mcdonalds. Here the problem today, unless your creative your generation and the next one has problems because the manufacturing jobs that I would go into in my generation has disappeared so we've become more of a service country so it means you have to be more well prepared.

So do you think schools is actually doing so?

Well, there was something I think was better in my age. The schools had technical programs; people who didn't go to college, there were classes that were provided, they had technical classes like building,plumb, electrical, etc. They have that in France and Germany I think where you make a decision early on. Although college people use to look down on those classes, mean while a guy taking plumbing classes would grow up to become some great plumber with a great job inventing great plumbing stuff.

What do you think the main point of school is?

I think the main point of school is to keep kids off the streets and from home, keeps kids from doing nothing and taking real jobs. For example, I've tried going job hunting for minimum wage jobs that would seem easy to get but its much hard when you don't have any experience of a high school degree. I never really understand what that is about, I'm pretty sure I do not need a high school degree to work at a clothing store arranging clothes. I am not too sure about why or what kids are being kept from but a little further explanation I can probably get a better idea.

Do you enjoy school? Why or why not?

I particularly do not enjoy school. I'm not sure why because there are so many specific reasons on different days. The majority of days I dislike school but there are some unique days that I wake up feeling good and wanting to go. There are many reason such as: needing to wake up early, needing to play a certain role that I usual feel uncomfortable, learning really tiring and probably unimportant subjects in school that will not help me later on in life, the amount of annoyance and stress from other students personalities that I for some reason cannot relate to, stress from homework when we already do work in school, the expectation of "doing good" because I'm Asian or the "normal" on in the family, or not being seen as a "failure" if I don't graduate. I hate that it is put in our heads that if we don't do school we are complete losers that fail at life.

Do you think you would enjoy school more if you got to pick the classes?

Maybe. I think I would enjoy school more if I was able to pick classes that I enjoy such as learning about animals, art, etc. Although I would most likely want to learn about stuff like how to do taxes which most likely I would not enjoy but at least I would have the idea that it is something that is important and useful.

So I know you had a hard time in high school and got your GED, do you regret not graduating from a real high school?
Umm, not really. I mean I am in college and doing a lot better in college then I ever did in high school. The GED was SOOOO easy, the only thing that sucks about not graduating from a high school is that I have to take math and English classes for no credits to make up for missing out on it in high school. Not a big deal though.

What about high school that made you not want to go or made you decide to just get your GED?

I don't know. I mean I was having a hard time in my life with like [my boyfriend] and like my dad passing away and stuff. I think it was just so annoying because I had friends from my school but I just could not connect with them. And also because my boyfriend was in college already and I guess it was as if I wanted to catch up with him. I just slacked in high school so much, I couldn't find myself to like go to class and stuff.

Well, if you are taking basic english and math in college, how come you are doing so much better in those classes in college then in high school?

I don't know, I never thought of that. Maybe its the way it is scheduled. Like I like college because you can kind of pick most of your classes in what major you want to go in or like your can pick what time you have your classes. In high school you are given you classes and forced to go to them. And also I think college is like more important since I get to take classes in child education since I want to be a teacher and stuff.

Do you think you would have enjoyed high school or finished high school if you were able to pick your classes?

Maybe. Although I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with my life back then. Also I probably wouldn't like needing to pick classes to last for 9 hours a day. So annoying.

Monday, February 8, 2010

School Assignment #38

Part B
"I hate school" I do not think I can count up how many times I have heard that since I first started school in what? Kindergarden? I started out with school with a really negative experience. I went to a really tradition chinese school where everything was really strict, we were never aloud to speak unless spoken to, we had to walk in line, and it was my idea of a prison as a little kid. I was so unhappy. I did not have nap time, recess, play time, and I was bullied. It was until I entered 3rd grade into Hong Kong International school which was a british based school. It was a totally different experience for me, it was actually fun and I did not have to speak chinese and do assignments in chinese where I would fail all the time. And people noticed I was a lot more happy, I smiled more and laughed more. This is when I actually enjoyed school. I never thought about why I was in school or what the point of school was. I just figured it was something you had to go to, I think it was mainly the fact that I enjoyed school as well.

When I moved here to New York I went to PS183, it was also a drastic change. There was diversity, I was use to seeing mainly chinese and white kids at school. It was really weird but all I remember in fourth grade being the new kid coming in the middle of the semester I thought about making friends and the first thing I remember was thinking "I wanna make friends with the popular girls". Which I did sadly (one of them being my best friend still who is like my complete opposite). I think this was the part of school where I kind of thought that school was mainly for socializing and making friends. We were needed to be taken to school every morning and picked up from school every afternoon. I never really had a choice about whether I wanted to go to school or not.

When coming to SOF I was a complete looser. I had no friends and I was bullied. I started to develop a hate for school because I figured out I could. Thats pretty much all I remember about middle school. I don't remember the specifics of anything before 11th grade, I try not to remember. Being in high school now I dislike school. I dislike waking up in the morning, I think I always have at least one thought of "nah, you shouldn't go to school to day". But I end up always voluntarily going. I hate school when there is school, although I get so bored when there isn't school. I hate the long hours, long hours of seeing the same faces everyday and learning different insignificant subjects. I could get a job but I can't find one, which definitely concludes the idea that we are kept in school so we don't take labor away from older people. I think the idea that we are in school to keep us out of trouble is stupid. I hate how much germs there is in school for I have gotten so sick so many times because I think I have a pretty weak immune system. I hate the drama and unnecessary attention in school. I hate the higher authority figures that is given to the teachers. I pretty much don't hang out with anyone from school. I really don't like anything about school.

Although I primarily hate school, its weird to say I still go to school. I am a really good student, I follow the rules, and am involved with my schedule to graduate. Why? Why is it that I know school is most likely bullshit and a waste of life but still go to school and still follow all the rules and assignments. I am still making sense of why myself. I know this may sound sort of dumb as well but I guess maybe its because I am aware of my ideas of school but still do everything school expects me to do because I'm not one to be involved in all the drama and all the annoyance of everything if I didn't follow up to the expectations of school. Or maybe thats just an excuse, I have really concluded yet...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cool Video Project

Me and other people in my group (Samantha, Anias, Granit) made our video in the gym. Anias's scene is by far the best in my opinion. He did a great job. :) Its not the best video every but basically shows all the points of views of certain people and how they interact or what Andy calls "face".

Untitled from Cloe on Vimeo.

I guess one thing I would like people to notice more is how people interact or try to act cool or what people see as cool. One place that a lot of "coolness" takes place is definitely the gym. My idea of this video is either to show what people feel is cool for them during gym class. And to really show how people are separated into different groups in the gym which is like different roles they are playing. For example, there are the guys playing basketball trying to make the shot to impress each other and the people watching, there are the girls who sit on the side doing homework, listening to music, talking and gossiping. There are the athletic kids/ girls who play volleyball, sing, dance, and basically project their voice for people to hear the best they can. And then there are the people playing settle games like ping pong that isn't a game like basketball, it doesn't involve showing up your skills and each taking turns with the paddle. These are basically some of the roles people play and the way they do it in the specific setting of the gym.
We all definitely contributed a good amount to this video. We were all in the video (our point's of view) obviously doing different things. Mainly doing what we would usually do during gym which made the shooting process pretty easy. Anias did a really impressive job being able to do a layup with a camera in one hand. :)
We basically came up with an idea of different perspectives and interactions during gym. We then distributed which parts we would shoot and the order we would put it in. My contribution was the second scene in the video, I also did the majority of the really amateur editing of the video using Windows movie maker.
I think making art is cool. I come from a really artsy family so growing up I felt it was uncool if you did not have some sort of artistic talent like singing, dancing, painting. My artistic talent that is more noticed in my family is sketching and paining. My dad's is singing, and he use to play the guitar when he was younger. My brother's (if you consider a type of art) is making ware hammer pieces and painting them, he is actually really good at sketching too surprisingly. So I always tried to show off the fact that I can be artistic to try to be cool. So yeah, I think art is cool. My ability to do videos though is not that cool since I am not that great at it, so obviously filming is not my type of art.