Wednesday, December 2, 2009

27 Crap Load of Interviews

Street Interviews
Lady at 711

Who is the coolest person to you and why?
Well as of now presently I think President Obama is cool...because he is multicultural, he is helping us, helping the schools, and hes just really smart.

What was the cool thing when you were in high school?
High school? hmm. Like famous actors...celebrities with the new trends.

Kind of like the media basically?

Yeah! The media was pretty cool, whatever was on the media people take it to be it.

What is the coolest trend or something cool about an outfit right now?
I think trends are cool only if they fit you. Like plaid is really in right now with everybody but I hate plaid so to me it's not cool.

American Apparel Looking Guy
Who is the coolest person you know and why do you think they are cool?
My boyfriend....because he is really successful at what he does....and he dresses really nice.

What is the latest trends that you think is cool?
Farm to Table Restaurant, because the foods fresh and and reasonable.

Well, whats like the coolest clothing trends?

Vintage. Civil War looking stuff. Something that looks good piratical.

Family Interview- My Dad Obviously
Who is the coolest person you know and why?
Whats considered a cool person?
But the point is asking you what you think is cool?
Well what is cool? What do you mean by cool?
Bunch of old people. Only young people are cool. Old people aren't cool.
So how about what do you think the youth think is cool at the moment?
I think somebody who has fashion taste, knows that they are cool, but doesn't flaunt it and has some humility.
Because being cool is not to me what life is about, being cool to me is not only what I just said but its more of having an understanding of people around you and how fortunate you are to be cool and living in America. And allowed to do that.
Why just America?
Cause in this country we have so much freedom. For instance, who do i know or who do I think is cool?
For instance Brad Pitt I think is cool. Can't be anyone who is more cool then him yet at this moment, he gives to charity, hes helped rebuild part of New Orleans and put his time and efforts in.
I don't think that all these starlets like Paris Hilton or Lindsey Lohmen-
Its Lohan
Lohan...there is nothing cool about them. Question is what have they given to society besides being dead drunk somewhere lying in a pool of vomit. So there is uncool people such as those reality show people who give nothing to society but a laugh and then you have some serious people who actually give back. Look at Bill Gates, number one richest man in the world and most charitable person in the world.
So why do you think so much of youth think these dead drunks are so cool and try to imitate them?
Cause its an age thing, you know...yeah. When your 18 you think your cool.
I'm 18. Do you think I think I'm cool?
Anything else?
Nah..enough bullshit.
You know I'm going to write that.
What "bullshit?"
Well that's because I'm cool. I'm the only person that I really know that's cool. I'm know I'm cool because I know I'm not cool.
I think your cool.
Well shows how many people you know is cool. haha

Friend #1 Javi

Friend interviews

Who is the coolest person you know or look up to and why?
My mother, because she is confident, strong, doesn't give a shit about the world, and always takes care of the family.
What do you mean by strong?
As in mentally strong.
Do you consider yourself cool? Why or Why not?
I think im pretty cool because I fee like everyone knows me.
So you think its popular just to be known?
Yeah, because people think im easy going, im always funny, and smart. To my friends at least.
What are some things you try to do to maintain coolness such as clothing and stuff?
I try to keep good hygiene, good communication, social networking, behavior.
What do you mean by behavior?
As mean knowing how to control when to be calm and when not to be dramatic or maintaining a politeness.
Lets just say you are making a character, what would this character be like in order to be seen as cool?
Like what would he be wearing? Or how would he act?
No I don't care about that, he has to be into what I like and be able hold a conversation.

Friend # 2- Megan
Who is the coolest person you know and why?
Suck up...why?
Because shes my best friend. Or you are. haha.
Why do you think I am cool or why do you like me as your best friend?
Because I have known you for so long but the funny thing is that we have nothing in common. We are completely opposite in like style, genre of music, slang, movies, interests. So its weird that we still get a long so well.
So why do you think I am cool and such good friends despite our major differences?

umm...I don't know why were still best friends. We just love each other haha to bits.
But is there something about my style, personality, what?
I think you have a great personality, because even though our interests are different we've experienced a lot of life challenges that are really similar so we can talk and relate a lot about it. I guess because to each other we are so unique to each other since we are completely different so its interesting to see what both of us do or act or say towards each other. Hard to explain but you get my jiff.
This interview is too gushy haha. Im done.

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