Tuesday, November 24, 2009

HW 26 Photos And Questions

Okay so these first two people I actually know, I guess for the next two people I'll try to find someone on the street if its possible.

Paige (Girl on the Right)
1.What inspires your style?
I don't know if my style is inspired, I do however like to watch people and see what girls and guys are wearing, and kind of smash everything together. I'm an occasional magazine flipper, so I suppose that helps. Plus I love looking at street fashion websites from places all around the world. I guess my style is inspired by the world.
2. Do you think your cool?
Haha, yes I suppose my style is cool, everyday I try to reinvent myself with the things I can find in my closet. I think it's cool that I don't have to look the same everyday and I never really lose who I am.

Yeah I find that true for many girls.

3. Do you think others think your cool? Or do you think your setting off a cool vibe that you want to?
I do tend to get compliments about my style, from friends and strangers, so I guess people do find it cool. I suppose it's rare to find someone who doesn't really fit into the mold that society has set for them.

4.What is the social scene like at your school? high school, whatever?
There really isn't a social scene at my high school. Every one pretty much knows and talks to everyone no matter what they look like or what they're into, seems most people in my school can find a common ground. There are of course the few kids that all look the same that stick together but what school doesn't have that?

5.Whats the typical cool person?
A typical "cool" person is that one person that no matter what day it is or what the weather is like they look picture perfect every day and without effort. They never try too hard.

What is your style inspired by? Or who i guess?
I don't know. I guess by like friends and stuff. When you hang out with the same people a lot and you get a long with them and you kind of start dressing and talking like them. I hang out with a bunch of people that have the same style as me so I guess thats where my style kind of gets inspired from.

Do you think your cool?
Yeah I think im okay, I mean to my friends I am pretty cool. I get along with everyone well. Im not like the coolest guy in the world but yah im okay. Im not uncool because I guess if I was I wouldn't have any friends, you wouldn't be my friends and no one would wanna talk to me. haha

Whats the social scene like at pace?
I don't know, its college so its chill. I mean you don't really know every single person so its not like every ones is super friendly with each other saying hi all the time across the halls. I mean I know a couple of people from class and they don't really have the same style as me they are still my friends and think im pretty cool despite our differences in clothing and like interests.

SO Alicia and I went to find people to take pictures of and interview together. The first chick I found we both though was cool. She looked kind of like Lady Gaga who is really cool. She wore leather leggings, combat looking boots, a septum piercing, and deep blue eyeliner. Unfortunately and crappy quality from Alicia's camera did not show it.
What is your idea of cool?
Umm..New York
Or What is your idea of the typical cool person?
I don't know what she exactly said word for word but it was something like:
Someone like David Bowie and Lady Gaga. Someone who doesn't give a shit or doesn't care what people think and who is fearless.

A Acquaintance I bumped into. His name is Cloud.
So what is your typical idea of a cool person?
I don't really like the idea of cool. Like uhhh....
Like you don't like categorizing people?
No not categorizing, I think categorizing is fine because everyone does it whether they realize it or not. I guess I am saying is that I might do 'cool', at least I am aware of them and aware of this whole cool idea as to people who don't.

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