Thursday, March 4, 2010

42 Significance

I think the main ideas I want to focus on with this school topic is basically the school curriculum. Why it was created the way it is with math, science, english, and history and the basic classes that are needed to be taken in high school. And with the interviews, other student's views, and personal views of what can be replaced or added on to the classes we already have. What are some things that should be taught or what would be primarily more helpful then what we are already learning. I mean what is the real point behind learning the quadratic functions formula or the formula to find the gravitational pull of a free falling object?

I feel this is kind of personal to me because I get really tired of sitting in class, day dreaming, always wondering why exactly I need to learn certain things or why I need to be in school the long amount of time that is needed in order to move on to college. At times I feel so unmotivated and disembodied mainly because I know that most of what we are being taught is not significant. And when we ask how of what we are being taught relates to the real world we are told some BS explanation.

My boyfriend is in college and he takes radiology classes because he wants to be a radiologist. Besides from his major classes he is allowed to pick as many elective classes as he want. He has taken Italian, French, Piano, Philosophy. At times I get jealous because I would love to learn things that actually interest me as well as classes that teach me about a career I want to pursue. Plus there are many things I need help me that would benefit my daily life, my self esteem, etc. For example, I would love to learn how to better my reading skills. Although we have english classes, Kinory seems to be teaching us the colors of the rainbows more then he does how to improve your reading skills (but that my opinion of course).

Also, my family is not the ideal family. I would love to have a class on how to keep a good relationships with family members or just how to have a good relationship with anybody. Just so I do not inherit to selfish traits my family does so that I can have a better family (if I do) in the future, or at least have good bonds with people I like instead struggling, trying to figure out how to not have a awkward conversation with someone I am not necessarily comfortable or know very well.

I would like to also maybe have a class or someone teach me how to manage my money or how to get a part time job because for some reason that seems to be more difficult for me than all my friends. I am how hard is it to get a minimum wage job? Apparently I am not doing something right if it is so difficult for me. Sure we have Internship classes and we go over how to do a resume over and over again in internship class but it feels more like we are told how to do things in classes but are not taught and taken through the process or what to expect.

Besides from me I figure it would be good if there were classes on helping kids get out of the ghetto or to teach them how to not end up homeless. Helping kids choose the right path or notice that there is another path to take. What to expect in the future as we get old. I am sure I am not the only kid who can use a class on something that would benefit them as a individual.

Sorry for ranting...

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