Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HW8- Triangle Comments on Video

YazminP's Video
Here is the comment:
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED YOUR VIDEO! To all honesty. I felt it was so amusing at some points and it is great to see you interact the same way at home as you do in school, especially with your digital devices. I just think about Andy’s class and your reactions when he rags on you for using your texting. And I loved seeing little baby Mateo!!

I really liked the fact that you stated that in your point of view, when looking at your own video you noticed things that you may have never noticed. You mainly focused on how much you pay attention to certain things with each piece of technological device. For example when you are on your cell phone you tend to zone out completely. On the computer you are partially zoned out but not too much to the point where you are completely zoned out like you are with texting. And the television for you is just not really a big issue. I like the fact that you are not afraid to admit that you still like cartoons because to be honest I still watch cartoons at times. This could be because of my child experiences with television (if you read the unfinished version of my latest post you will understand more).

I think that everybody has their own digital device that they prefer and are more addicted to then others. Or maybe a better idea would be that everybody uses different technological device for different reasons. For example I use my sidekick as Andy greatly stated (and I can’t get enough of the word) as a digital pacifier. I have it as a comfort, I always have it next to me and always use it to tcheck the time, text people when I am in awkward situations, or just have something to hold in my hand, etc. As other people (maybe for you) may mainly use it because they want to keep connected to their social lives even when they are not able to directly socialize. Everybody has a different reason. I watch telelvision because maybe I am making up for the times in my youth without cartoons and good American television. Who knows? There is always a different reason why everybody is so in tuned on different levels with their different technological equipments.

I cannot really help you to develop your video since it is your own creative video and it was so adorable. BUT I can help you develop and expand on your writing. As I stated in the previous paragraph. Why exactly do you think you have different connections to each device? Why do you primerly use them? If you think about these questions more in depth maybe you can figure out whether it is a good or bad things or maybe help you break out of your zone? And in the last paragraph you write about how you and your sister are basically the same and even though there are digital distractions you guys are both still very outgoing despite all the digital devices around to play with. Would you think this is okay that your younger sister grow up in the digital life. What about little baby Mateo? Would you not mind if he grew up with the same digital lifestyle as you and your sister? Especially since he is probably going to grow up in a whole new generation with a whole new generation of new advanced technology! Can you imagine being older and wondering what the super cool technical device could be in his hand that would be like some sort of advanced cell phone, processing holograms or whatever the future has in stored for the next generation of teenagers? I can kind of tell in the video that he is already sitting infront of the television watching Spongebob even though he probably has no idea what he is looking at. He must still get amusement of some sort from watching the flashing lights and the funny noises.

After watching your video and reading your post I am thinking a lot more about how “in the zone” I get with each digital device I have. I have never really thought of this. I think with my cell phone I use it more as a comfort but when I actually text I am pretty sure I would be able to be more attentive to my surroundings then you are with your texting. The television on the other hand, my eyes glue to the screen and I struggle to choose whether I should listen to my dad asking/telling me something or listen to what people on the screen are saying. I cannot do both though like you can when you are on your computer. So everyone is on different levels for different reasons.

Thank you for posting the video. I trusted that you were going go post it up eventually since you are one of the responsible ones. It is okay if you posted it up a little late because I understand that it was your father’s birthday. Now all I have to do is keep nagging Conor to post his video. If not I will probably just end up commenting on someone else’s video. (haha….uhh) Well I will see you at school. Luvvv youuuu<3

Comment on Conor's Video(finally...)
Hey Conor, you finally did it! Yay! kinda...
Your video is cool, i really like your personality :) Although your video cuts off halfway when your mom comes in the video. Despite the fact that you took FOREVER to finally get this up and the fact that your video cuts off I thought your video was pretty decent and enough for me to comment. Thanks for getting it up before the weekend so I can do this already and get the weekend off.

In your video you primarily just showed your different technological devices such as your orange ipod, Xbox, mom with laptop. You did not really show you yourself using these devices. Although from my perspective I feel as if maybe you did this by purpose since you mention a lot that you would rather be outside and when you are grounded you have to "resort" to video games and such.

Your video was a lot different then other mainly because you did not record yourself using any of these digital devices (probably besides the camera or whatever you were using to record yourself. I am not sure if you did this by purpose or not but I felt like maybe you might have purposely done things because of the fact that you are not as digitally involved as most of us. Since you always mention that you would rather spend your time outside the fact that you showed to not really be using these devices shows how aware and attentive you are. Unlike the most of us who are so zoned into our computers, ipods, etc.

Although you still do have a lot of different digital devices for someone who would rather be outside. This makes me wonder maybe you could have at least tried showing what you looked like on your new ipod so that I can better analysis whether you may actually be less hypnotized by digital devices. You maybe could have show the first part of the video of you being outside chilling and the next part of the video of you playing video games and see which one you look more relaxed or having a more enjoyable time with. Also to help better develop this post you can for one fix the video up more and find out why it cuts off. I would have really liked to see the rest of your video. it was just getting to the good part. :P

Your post really makes me think of the differences between the way you feel about your video games and the way I feel or how I've seen people react with video games. For example playing video games would be the last resort if you had nothing better to do. For most kids they get grounded from being able to use these things. They get grounded with no television or computer for a month. I do not get grounded but form watching television shows I see that how this whole grounding thing goes down. I feel like this may make kids feel as if technology was more of a privilage which gives teenagers more of a reason to want to be stuck on digital devices even more. I wonder if kids would get grounded for going out more and parents reversed certain ways they punish their children would it make teenagers want to go out more rather then be stuck on digital screens?

Again thanks for finally posting your video up. Please next time try to do your assignments on time though! For YOU as well as the rest of us. Your in 11th grade now, "your most important year" as everyone says it. Make it count! And as a senior I'm here to help if you need it. :) See you at school.

Comment on Sammie's Video:

Hey Sam, Im glad that we agreed to do this. I feel like it will benefit the both of us as we are mature high school seniors. Your video was straight to the point and not messy. Thanks for doing it in general.

I wish you would have wrote a little of your own analysis of your video but that is okay I can still write about it. I noticed how in your video your not only being digitally stimulated by your ipod but your also reading! I feel as if maybe you use your ipod to help you focus on certain things, to help keep you sane and relaxed. Since sometimes being digital stimulated helps you block out and be in your own zone so maybe this is why your ipod helps you read and be focused on the book without distractions. Although there was only one distraction in your video which was your black berry. The only thing that can take away your focus is another digital device.

I think everyone has concluded how certain digital devices keeps us sane and stress free. We see this in a lot of peoples videos like mine. Most of the time when people read or do there homework they listen to their ipod to help them focus and not get distracted by others people's nonsense. This happens to me a lot in study hall (my Tuesday advisory choice). Everyone listens to their ipod and I noticed it actually gets people to actually be more focused to do their homework. Probably because they have two choices. To talk to people and be unfocused or listen to their ipod where they can't really communicate and listen to people so they do their work in the rhythm of the music they like most.

Unlike most people, I cannot read and listen to music at the same time. Although I do listen to my ipod while I sketch or paint. It is a relaxer and I wonder how physical we are being effected, could this be a benefit to our selves to be able to focus on things more? I feel like this is really weird because we always speak about how digital stimulation distracts us but can it be true that in some way it actually helps us focus more?

Thanks again for helping me out and I'm always here to leave you comments back when you need it. <3 See you at at school

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