Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HW Triangle Comments!

1) To Conor
I really thought it was funny in your second paragraphishhh when you wrote "who doesn't like easy? Demons, that who?" I thought it was funny. I appreciate humor in people's blogs, also I do agree that many people these days take the "easy" route out.

Your whole second paragraph was amusing but I do not quite get the parrot analogy? If it was an analogy at all. I agree with the fact that there are much more things outside of our digital igloos that people are just not really aware of.

I feel like people are not really aware of what there is outside our digital perspective. We are maybe not aware of these things, that is why we do not do them. And I think that a lot of people, maybe teenagers to be exact probably feel the same way you do about the "digital thing". A lot of us know that all this technology is bad but most of us probably do not know why, this is what prevents us from breaking our digital barriers.

Although I really liked your humor there is a lot you could have definitely expand on. Maybe you can do a second draft, since you mention a lot about what we could be doing instead of being on our computers, cell phones, etc. Maybe you can write about what those things could be. Most importantly, what could be done by people to prevent themselves to be hypnotized by technology. And why do you think other people and yourself feel technology is bad, even if you don't quite know...take a guess :)

Your post was very short so its hard to consider a lot but the beginning does for a brief moment make me ponder on what I would actually be like, my everyday life, without or less technology, what would my daily life be like. Would I read more? Have a better vocabulary? Be more aware of things? Be more social? Who knows right?

Look forward to reading your next couple of posts or your second drafts hopefully ;)
See you in classss.

2) To Yazmin (The Elder one, wrinkly old)
Hello Yazzzyybearrr
I really liked how you take notice to a lot of things in your blog such as how young kids as young as 10 are using social networking and the scary feeling you get. I like that you were personable. I ponder a lot about how technology will advance in the future and our effect to it as well. I really liked that you talked about your family such as your little brother :)

And i definetly agree with the fact that everyone (not just kids) are addicted to technology. And most of the time this starts from a really young age. Kids are basically taught be addicted to technology from an early age, it kind of relates to the food unit of how kids are taught to eat certain foods at an early age.

I have seen many cases of kids as young as 10 to have myspaces and facebooks. For example my friends 12 year old sister has a myspace and puts up pictures of herself and making it seem she is 16 instead of 12. I feel like these sort of things are defeintly so dangerous. This is why there are so many cases illegal child activities. To catch a preditor and such. There are many cases of when kids are punisher they are taken away of their privilages to use technology. This is bad because it makes kids feel the need to want technology more. When I read Conor's small blog post he stated that his parents took away his privilage of going out and doing sports and was stuck with his technology. The fact that his parents show that doing sports and doing physical activities is a privilage it makes his need to want to do physical activities and go outside more.

In your last paragraph you state a lot about your little brother. Do you think that you would maybe raise your brother to think differently about technology and not take the same route as most children are with their addiciton to technology? Maybe you can expand on your thoughts of the idea that your brother's generation will be full of more advanced technology and he will most likely be in the focus of it. Also in the second paragraph you mention a little bit about why teenagers our age are so obsessed with social networking (to be "cool"), maybe you can expand on why this may be so important to our generation? And why we need our technology in our hands at all time and yet we don't we feel un easy.

After reading your post it made me think more about the effect technology has on children younger then me and the effect of technology on them. It makes me think of child development. Is it good to raise all these children around all this technology, should we encourage it, take it away, or just leave it alone? I also started to think about my childhood and how technology effected my way of growth. I wonder if I would have been my defintion of "Smart" without so much digital stimulation. I know for sure technology defeintly ruined my brother's life. My brother grew up playing video games, mainly Warcrafts (hate that game with a passion). My brother was socially challenge (and i am not saying it in a funny manner), he was really addicted to the game to the point where he had no friends and no social skills. Computer games ruined me and my brother's relationship since we never talk. He got so addicted that he got bad grades, just slipped by high school and dropped out of college. So I feel that if technology is expose to kids at a young age it would really effect the way we are in the future.

Anyways, thanks for actually doing the blog post and writing a significant amount for me to comment on. Love you!! <3 lol

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