Sunday, September 27, 2009

Video Project

Untitled from Cloe on Vimeo.

The first thought I had when I saw the first part of the video of me on the train and listening to my ipod, i thought about how weird and uncomfortable I look. I do this thing where i look down and pretend like im flipping through my ipod sometimes to feel less awkward on the train. I mentioned before about how we use technology sometimes like our ipod on the trains to avoid actual interaction with people. This is so I could avoid awkward conversations on the train, so I do not have to look at other people on the train, like avoiding eye contact. For example when there is people on the train like homeless people or people who are causing a scene I look down at my ipod and flip through it to avoid any eye contact. Like a digital shield, as if there was a little digital dome around me protecting me from actually have to face socialization.

The third video is my point of view of when my boyfriend is so distracted by his video games, and how bored I feel waiting for him to get ready so we can go out and walk around. Plus how in zone he is with his video games as he yells at the screen as if the people in the video game can hear him.
The second part of the video of me on my sidekick, I thought about how fast I can type on my sidekick. My finger movements are like lightning speed. Would you call that a skill? As I think it is kind of cool I think of how sad it is that I spend that much time with my sidekick. It never leaves my sight. I look hypnotized by my sidekick phone but at the same time I look more comfortable and at ease.
The fact that this is largely a part of my life and what I do on a daily bases, I do not really know how to feel. I feel like it takes away from my social skills. Some of it makes me feel like I could be doing something else within that time. I could socialize directly more with friends and my boyfriend but at the same time I find comfort from technology. I find that it is an enjoyment and helps me relax. I have adapted to using these technology and do not really want to make changes to them and try to adapt out of using technology.

I never really want kids and I do not have any younger siblings but I have a brother that was so addicted to video games (warcrafts) that if effect our relationship greatly. Most of his time (when we use to live together) was him facing the video screen and me sitting in front of the television. Sometimes I wish I could have taken those things away and spend more time with each other and bonding and having a real brother and sister relationship. So in a sense if I had a younger sibling or a child I would not mind if they had some sort of time with their technology that soothes them since I feel sometimes without technology I would feel I would go insane but at the same time I feel like I would not want my brother or son or sister if I had one to be using most of their time doing what I do in the video. It takes away "bonding" time. Its like eating all together at a dinner table and not speaking. I would want to have a relationship with the people I love.

I think that devices such as wii doesn't really do much for me personally. I have a wii and they say you are suppose to stand up and it gives you physical experiences with what ever you are playing with as if you are interacting with it. The wii remote you are suppose to swing around in certain way. When I play my wii, I still sit on the coach no moving. The only difference is that im flicking my wrists WHILE i'm being lazy on my coach just laying there like a lifeless doll. I think things like the wii is just a failed attempt of "excersize and being physical". It is an excuse for people to not feel so guilty about sitting in one spot for a billion hours a day. Its like "if i get the Wii sports game and pretend like I am actually being physical then I do not have to admit that I am a video game addict and play video games all day". I think these things are all successful attempts for video games and technology companies to get people to buy more of their product...


  1. Chloe,

    Good start. Like the inclusion of the boyfriend-videogame with your computer also going.

    Like you say you look calmer while texting than on the train. Digital pacifier?

  2. Definitely like a digital pacifier... that such a great way of putting it. :)

  3. My loverly Chloe,
    Hey honey. Just want to start off by saying how much I enjoyed your video. I thought that they by having someone else film you it shows how you really look in other people's eyes. I love that you include your boyfriend playing video games and how you have to wait for him. I see by the computer screen that while you waited for him you were also spending time on facebook. Nonetheless your video was good and I appreciate that you had it up by the time you were suppose to. (Sorry for the delay in mine).

    So by the look of your video and sound of the follow up answers I see that while making this video you noticed how digital stimulation is a safe zone away from human interaction for you. For example, train with an ipod in. I think most of America is like this as well and we don't realize it. I also like how you acknowledged that all these things you use on a daily basis and aren't willing to change.

    You blocking yourself out from human interaction is similar to what I do when I'm on my ipod or going on facebook to get away from my family. I feel that my video is a lot like yours in the sense that I find my phone and ipod my safe outlet. A lot of America is similar to us in this sense I think because we don't want to socialize with strangers or sometimes even each other so we use items that will distract us and make us seem busy.

    I like how you make some connections to how digital stimulation makes you avoid talking to people but what are some alternative views on this (Oh yeaah I'm bringing Kinory's class into this). For example, what would happen if you did talk to a stranger for a couple of stops on the train? How bad would that actually be?

    When you talk about avoiding awkward situations or conversations with people I can understand what you mean. I was on the bus the other day and this lady just kept going on and on about something or another and I didn't want to be rude but it was just so weird. I didn't have my ipod on me like a douche so I spent 10 minutes listening to her babble. You saying that makes me know that I'm not the only horrible teenager out there.

    Thanks again for completing your video and questions. I hope to see more from you (I definitely will actually). Hopefully we'll learn more about this stuff soon so that we can both further explore other views.
    Love you <33333

  4. Hello Yazzy.
    Thank you for you lovely manner on the way you comment on my posts :)
    And thank you for all the points you noticed on my video and how long your comment it. I appreciate that you took the time to write all this for my post.

    I really liked point in the comment about what would be so bad about actually have to be social with a stranger and have a conversation with someone I do not know. I mean I have had small encounters with speaking with strangers but they all turn out to be so awkward because I end up not knowing what to do or say. Your point really made me realize, what is so bad about this? I never really took the time to think and wonder what is the worst that could turn up to happen with just saying something friendly to a stranger. I guess our society as well as I is so adapted to your antisocial train rides that we forget all about our social skills or how to be friendly.

    You stated that I noticed how I am not willing to change these typical daily routines with my digital devices. I guess it is not really the fact that I refuse to change, it is just that I have not been given a reason to. Maybe this unit will like every other of Andy's Unit has but for now I hear all this babbling about how "technology rots our brain", "we get addicted", yada, yada, yada. That is not really a good enough reason for me to change my digital expectations. Although your question/ point about what could be so bad about taking away my ipod force field from the socializing world really did make me think about changing my way of hiding from socializing with strangers. I mean I will not end up saying hi to every stranger on the train, that is how girls my age end up getting sexual molested or something. Maybe instead I will read a book or something because my ipod shielding does not seem to be as effective since in my video I just look so uncomfortable.

    I feel like we both have some sort of the same lifestyle with our digital devices. We may have different reasons for the different devices that we have but I think in a bigger picture we are all still painting...just with different colors. Meaning that we all have our different reasons to be digital involved with our technological devices but in general we still use technology for our own personal reasons. We both have similar points about people's social skills and the fact is that no one really wants to omit to changes.

    I wonder if you and I may be able to put down our digital protection without feeling vulnerable. But what is it that we are so afraid of? I feel as it maybe it is not direct socialization but maybe something else, it could just be because "everybody is doing it"? Maybe it a generation thing, like a style? Like new clothes, everybody has to have the newest technology and with the newest technology comes with the newest slang/ attitude.

  5. Chloe,

    I loved your video! Before I even watched it I knew it would be unique and funky. It was great how you showed yourself on the train and how you use your ipod to entertain yourself. You also mentioned how you "pretend" to change the song on your ipod just to avoid weird people staring. I totally understand how you feel. I myself try to pretend like im doing something on the train even though its just nonsense. It was so funny how you added your boyfriend to the video and how he is reacting to the video game. I think you should have expanded on your time spent on your sidekick and explain how you use it for homework as well. GREAT video Chloe! Keep up the good work!
    Love you, Sam :)

  6. Hey Sammie,
    Thanks so much for doing me this favor and commenting on video. I really appreciate it since were both seniors, sticking it out for each other to do good this year :)

    I think that your right about extending the section of the video of me on my sidekick. At that moment I was actually on aim talking to someone. I should have showed me texting as well, or using it to type up homework online or offline. I would have gotten more analysis probably if I done so to see my reactions and such to the different ways I used my phone.

    I always thought that I was just so in zoned because I used my cell phone for like communicating to people digitally but i almost forgot completely that sometimes I use the internet on my phone to complete homework. I usually use it to do homework for Andy's classes on the blogs. I guess this is a way that my cell phone actually does benefit me. Although how could i forget how it benefits me and just think about how I become disembodied (new Andy vocab :)) while I'm using my phone.

    I think that your view of my video of being "unique" and "funky" and although that could be the kind of person I am percieved as (which is not bad) but I didn't really try to percieve my video as unique and funky. I would have put some music and some cooler scenes if I tried but the main thing I tried to show was just my me on my digital devices, no hoax, no music, no cool digital effects.

    Thanks for relating to me about the whole ipod deal on the train to avoid awkward occurrences. I think that is one thing we have in common. I guess one thing we can both think about is why? Why are we so afraid of awkward occurrences? I have a little of an idea and am trying to think about this topic a little more but what about you? What are some reason you may have for pretending to do something on the train to avoid nonsense?

  7. Chloe!
    I know i we discussed (via text message) that we would exchange comments on thursday but i forgot so i'm just going to do it now, partly because one of my partners has yet to put up her video or comment on mine.
    Anyways, I really liked your video. I liked it SO much that i nominated it as one of the best (that's right, I totally did) lol.
    You did everything that Andy asked and more. You were able to show two natural ways your depend on digital electronics that were more complex then the rest.
    But what made your video stand out to me the most was how you incorporated your boyfriends use of digital media and what impact that has on you. I could envision countless instances where you waited to have a conversation with him but he was too busy in his animated world.

    What i enjoyed even more then your video was your honest response. Everything you said were things I noticed. I was shocked at how mezmorized and in focus people are when they're looking at a screen instead of taking notice to their surroundings. And even more then that, sometimes people's initial reaction to things that happen on the screen cause them to blurt out crazy things, curse words in particular.

    You bring up a valid point that although we gain skills like being able to type quickly, we won't necessarily using those skills for anything else. The only job I can think of where it requires you to type quickly is a secretary or stenographer.

    I think the story of your brother is a PERFECT example of how these addictions effect close relationships for the worse. I've seen it myself how your brother turns on the computer game and shuts off all other contact with anyone else. Its not a good way to spend countless hours of time like he did.

    Maybe you could elaborate on what its like having a relationship with your brother now that he doesn't live with you. Does he communicate with you via email or instant messaging? Maybe discuss how technology takes away from relationships in the home in a different way then it does with people you don't see every day.

    Overall you did a great job on the assignment. I am impressed and continuously blown away. No wonder you get such flawless grades :D

    see ya at school mama <333
