Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Interviews With Dad

Why is technology/ digital life so significant to you?
"For me email and video conferencing with picture and audio is uhhh..umm... helps me do business instantly over seas, and if I were not able to do that we would probably be broke"

Don't you think that it dulls your mind like everyone says "rots your mind?
I think that it is the opposite, it doesn't rot your mind. It makes science advance more rapidly.

I am actually surprise you say this, do you think you are only saying this because you are were from a whole different generation? So your point of view is effected by the generation gap?
I think that it is equally phonemically for your age to utilize the internet etc.
There is one down side: it should take away from face to face social contact. The only down side. To me technology is similar to the first telephone in my parents age.

Don't you think it makes our ability to construct our own ideas become un-existent?
We are always relying on other's ideas and facts to know our own.
No, it adds to our interest in upgrading our technology. Like to see it upgrade every five years. In ten years you won't be typing on a keyboard, you'll be doing it on a open touch screen.

There is a lot of stuff about how technology takes away from our ability to socialize. For me, i call it a digital shield. It shields and maybe even blocks us from socializing and interacting. You think we are loosing our charismatic skills? Like Josh (my brother), he played warcrafts literally all day and all night, hardly had any friends, did not finish college and was just so socially inept...

Your brother was socially inept because that is just how he is and it would have seemed the computer took away from is social skills but I think if there was no technology he would have most likely found something else in its place to be more socially inept such as art or reading. We would distract ourselves in many ways, technology is just the most interesting and advanced way. Anything else? Because I want to go to bed...

Interviews with Strangers

Smoking Business Suit Man
How many hours a day do you think you spend using technology and being digitally stimulated?
Probably from 15 to 16 hours a day. Although its because I work with music production so its kind of my job.

If you had children how many hours a day would you let them be digital stimulated? Would you limit them or let them use it as much as you might?

I mean I don't really care as long as they get their school work done i guess.

Mother with Super Cute and Friendly Baby

How many hours do you think you spend using technology and being digital stimulated?
I don't really know, not very much. I guess I would say around 1 hour or 2 hours a day.

Your baby is really adorable, how much digital stimulation you think you would limit her or give her?
She doesn't really spend a lot of time in front of the t.v.or anything. We usually go upstate and we are very active. I guess maybe like also 1 hour a day or something.

What about when she a little older, like 12 or maybe even our age, 16, 17, 18 years old?
Ummm. I don't know I guess like not much, 1 or 2 hours or something.

(I must mention that this interview was really amusing to me to the fact that when we went up to this mother she was texting on her cell phone which I think was a envy touch for Verison. And even MORE ironic was that the baby was playing with a real black berry that was obviously not for real use and had cute pink stickers all over it.)

When I giggled at the baby and pointed at her "pretend" blackberry she said:

Yeah, I know but its not for real. Its just pretend. Just for play.

Middle Aged Hispanic Guy
How many hours a day do you think you spend being digital stimulated? Like television, ipods, cell phones? Any of that stuff?
2 Hourshttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

If you had children yourself how would raise them around all the technology?

Kids? I would limit them, I don't want them to get zoned out like a lot of kids these days are doing on their computers and watching t.v.

Do you think that digital stimulation takes away our ability to construct our own ideas and opinions?

Absolutely not! Technology doesn't take away from our abilities to do anything because it gives us the ideas in the first place. It gives us creativity and inspiration.

2 Really Friendly White Guys in kinda Business Suits

How many hours a day do you think you spend being digitally stimulated? With television, cell phones, internet, all that stuff?
Dude A: 3 to 4 hours a day
Dude B: I would say about the same too.

Do you have children? Do you raise them in any certain way to be around technology? For example like not let them be digitally stimulated a lot or...?
Dude A: I have a 17 year old, I don't limit my kids. They are always on their computers.
Dude B: Well my son is 28 so I can't really limit him but growing up I did not really take away his technology privileges.

Do you think that technology and digital stimulation such as facebook and all these social networking and television take away our ability to construct our own ideas and opinions about a lot of things?
Dude A: Yes, its sido social activities. It keeps us away from reality and makes us sometimes stuck in one location.
Dude B: See I am totally opposite. I mean it does take away our face to face communication but I think without it we would not be able to take in so much information as we already do.

Interview with Kinda Friend Outside of School

How many hours days do you think you spend digital stimulated such as t.v., internet, social networking, cellphones, videos, etc?
At least 13 hours a day.

How many hours do you think is too man hours?
Umm, I think there is no limit to how many hours because now these days or in our new generation people are able to keep themselves updated with the world.

But don't you think that digital stimulation keeps you or any of us from being directly socially interactive with people? For example when I want to cuddle with you your always telling me to give you a minute and your screaming at your video games?
Well, there are two things that people need to know which is the difference between interacting with technology and reality. I think I know how to control myself because if I didn't know how to control myself I wouldn't even be able to speak with you at this moment or anyone else for that matter. Wouldn't I just speak to you via networking rather then spending time with your directly and seeing you in person? And plus it is stress free, it helps sooth me. Every time I play video games or watch t.v. it keeps me from going crazy and worrying about everything all the time.

Do you think technology takes away our ability to construct our own ideas, creativity, opinions and views, etc?
Everything is created by technology. Accept we know that human's minds, creativity, ideas is the reason for technology to be existent. Technology and digital stimulation just adds and gives us a boost to the creativity, ideas, opinions, whatever that we already have.

When you have kids in the future one day, how much time would you give them to be digitally stimulated of any kind?
Throughout their childhood I would at least give an addition of 30 minutes of using technology every year that they get older.

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