Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 53 Survey Analysis

Part 2
This survey was kind of depressing. For some reason I felt like it i did not answer "yes, most definitely" to any of the questions, it made me feel like I was doing something wrong. Like I was suppose to click "Most definitely" for the majority of the questions. The questions about family and friend especially. Those questions were kind of easy to answer because I was sure about most of them already.

I cannot quite remember what questions made me stop and think and this computer would not let me look back on the survey. I think maybe the questions about other people feel made me think, like what are other peoples desires? This is kind of hard to answer because we only feel and understand ourselves as we are the one playing the roles in our own lives. It is hard to understand what anyone else wants or feels unless we are them.

Relationships was a big theme throughout the whole survey obviously. Especially about love in every relationship. The question that stated "what is love to you?" made me definitely think a lot. I really have no idea. When I was a little bit younger and heartbroken little teenager going through puberty I use to despise the idea of love and say it was a mental disorder. Now that I am in love I enjoy it more. I also realized as I got older and more mature that there was love between friends and family but why is love (feel or mentioned) differently between different people? Love is always brought up in a positive light. Love is something very popular in our culture. Why? :/

Part 3
I really liked the survey and just taking a look and analyzing it. It was something different. There are a lot of things that I noticed. One main thing that we all concluded from the analysis was that we tend to think others peoples lives may be similar to ours but in reality it is not. We need to realize that everyone has different situations in their lives. It also maybe makes me think of people's intentions while taking the survey mainly because some things seem like a lie.

One thing that kind of took interest to me is the question about how men are expected to take initiative in a relationship. I guess in my perspective I figured this was not the case. I've always tried to be a dominate person and my mom would always tell me to be a "strong girl." So I figured in our generation we would not still be expected men to take initiative. Although I think it depends on the ratio between male and female that answered this question. It makes me think if me are the ones who expect that they need to provide high expectations or is it women?

Another thing that really seemed weird is the drugs and alcohol questions. The fact that people say that they have never been drunk or have done drugs. From knowing all the teenagers in school and their obsessive partying I am pretty sure that this is a lie. Although in class we talked about the link between the students that actually do their work to this general answer. Most of the kids who slack and party probably did not actually take the survey to begin with. Although it could have been this weird subconscious thing. I tried to answer at honest as possible but I have to admit there was some sort of subconscious part of me that still felt like someone would know it was me who was answering the questions. Like someone was watching it which is kind of creepy. Or maybe people think of questions in different ways.

For example is the suicide question. This question is probably the most risky of questions. Though people could have interpreted it differently. Showing how everyone thinks and reacts to things differently. They could have saw this question as have you ever thought about suicide in your whole life or do you think about suicide now or have you ever thought about suicide at all as a small thought of what it would be like.

The last thing was the family questions. I was kind of jealous of all the majority positive answers there were. Yes what took me back was all the negative answers from the short questions which seemed like it totally contradicted all the positive. It seemed kind of sad that most answer were like "lazy" or "failure" but when I think about it maybe there parents just say those things to kind of motivate kids to do things. Not sure if that is good parenting or not. Its kind of like how my parents say I am not skinny enough to have me look the way they expect me to. It does not seem right. Maybe teenagers see the way their parents seem them differently then how their parents actually view them. A lot of this stuff is just really confusing and has so many different explanations that may or may not be true.

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