Sunday, May 9, 2010

HW 54

OKAY. I took this quiz over again because I felt that the first time I took it I rushed through it because I was tired.

ISFP - "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.

I do like fine arts so I feel this part is quite correct. Again I feel like these tests kind of put me in one category which makes me feel weird. Kind of like that category activity we did where we placed certain names in certain categories. I kind of wish I did not have to be placed in this Artist category with the other 8.8 percent of the population. I am guessing that when it says expressions primarily through action or art form that it means I can be a person that tends to be more to myself. This is true.

Although I feel like this test thing can be a lie or kind of like those fake physic readings. Mainly because the first time I took this quiz and rushed through it the first result I got seemed quite accurate as well. I feel like some times people try to find whatever they get from these results and try to make themselves believe that is what they are like.

Part 2:
Brandon: I am making you my triangle partner because your one of the only people who posted a question at this moment.

I think this is a great questions. Although I have heard that psychologists do have their own psychologist at times. At least that is what I have heard before. Most likely wrong. It is true though, people tend to think psychologist are more mentally stable and know how to deal just because they have a degree and career in psychology.

Although this is a great question it might be quite hard to find research on this. And what kind of relationships are you mainly focusing on? The relationship between a psychologist and his/her patient? Maybe if that is what you are focusing on you can research on what people tend to need to go to a psychologist for and start from there. Yep.

So when I did this test with my boyfriend, the manual way instead of the computer because we did not have a computer at that time. I figured I knew him well enough because I feel he is the closest person to my life right now. His results was INTJ. I guessed this for him and I was relieved that I was correct. I felt like this test stuff was kind of phony but I guess there is some part of it that defies a certain part of your personality. It still isn't like magical and looks deep into your soul or something. It did however show me his personality a little more. And it made me kind of realize that at times although I am a introvert and I like keeping to myself, friendly, and like listening to others I often at times like surrounding myself with extroverts or people who are my complete opposites. I am not sure why really. It can seem like a really awkward relationship and people would tend to want to be with people they have more in common with.

For example, my best friend is completely opposite with me. She likes to be loud and outgoing and always drawing attention and follows her feelings. A lot of people in my family such as my mom and dad are like extroverts too (accept for my brother who no one will ever figure out). I think this shows that personality differences may not be a major factor in making good relationship with people. Especially since the very few people who I have close in my life are people who seem to have a completely different personality then I do.

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