Sunday, May 9, 2010

HW 55

Part 1:Question (Will Most likely Change Around):
-What do you need in order to find or maintain a long lasting friendship?
-What are the main components of a long lasting friendship?
What do you need in order maintain close communication between family members? (might focus on siblings or specific people in family)

One of those. I kinda just splurged whatever questions I thought of. Some help on my question is greatly appreciated because I am not even sure of what question would be good or how to rephrase them to make them more precise. :)

Part 2:
I am making you my triangle partner because your one of the only people who posted a question at this moment.

I think this is a great questions. Although I have heard that psychologists do have their own psychologist at times. At least that is what I have heard before. Most likely wrong. It is true though, people tend to think psychologist are more mentally stable and know how to deal just because they have a degree and career in psychology.

Although this is a great question it might be quite hard to find research on this. And what kind of relationships are you mainly focusing on? The relationship between a psychologist and his/her patient? Maybe if that is what you are focusing on you can research on what people tend to need to go to a psychologist for and start from there. Yep.

So maybe to make it more specifically towards relation ships you can say; how does the relationship between a child and their parents effect's a child's development? Or effects how a child's emotions are growing up?

I know you may want to compare the two types of kids but in order to do this I think you would probably need to look at the relationships between each child and their parents. Or maybe you would want to look up relationships in two married couples and see how their marriage effects the whole family. Kind of like the divorce example Andy wrote accept focusing more on how divorce effects the children.

Part 3
So I think I would like to focus more about the theme of friendship. Mainly because I have more of a difficult time making friends and there isn't really anything wrong or difficult about my relationship with my boyfriend. Although I do consider my boyfriend to be my best friend, so it makes me think that you need the same components in a intimate relationship as you do in a friendly relationship. I was going to do; what are the traits or skills needed in order to have a good relationship with friends but I feel like it would be as simple as "be a good listener", be "approachable", or "be trustworthy". So I am still a little bit contemplative about my focused question. Maybe I would be something like:

How do people choose what types of people they want to have a relationship with? What are the main reasons?

This would most likely change a little bit into the unit. This is mainly focusing on what are the things that help people choose a good friend, a good boyfriend/gf. Is it Personality? Commonality? Sexuality? Feelings? If not maybe I would focus on something like;

What are the values of a good friendship demonstrate and why?


  1. Chloe,

    Whats uppp? I think if you really wanted to go deeply into making your question less vague and more meaningful and precise.

    Since I believe your already in a relationship, what already is difficult about your relationship and what do you want to get out of it? I don't know, just a suggestion. It may be a bit personal, but you could work it out.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think your questions are good because this is a time where you are going to be leaving soon to go to college , and I think that it is very importanat into knowing how to keep these friends that are not going to be going to school with you any more or will not see on the weekend anymore. So I think that your idea about friends is good. Maybe you can change it as time goes one but if you don't it will be fine

  4. CHLOE! my love!

    I like your questions for friendships. Maybe if you explain or go into better explaination of the history of friendship. I feel that friendships are not what they used to be. Im not sure if Im making sense lol :)

  5. Chloe,

    Thanks for making me your triangle partner....although you seem to have a lot of partners. Anyways, your questions seem very well aimed at a specific topic of friendships, something i need to aim at with my questions topic.

    Overall, good start, you'll probably add more detail to it or something else you feel is necessary, since im in no position to give you constructive criticism. Thanks for the help on mine.
