Saturday, November 14, 2009

Art Project

I think my art project is probably a failed attempt at a hammer, so basically I think it is just a mirror. It is mirroring our digital life. It shows how digitization is used as a mask to cover up our real happiness and covers our ability to be able to interact and think properly. I think I did pretty decent for a sketch this thorough in just one week. To me, one week is way too short to crap out a art project if I want to make it good and deep. The detail in the middle took me most of the week, the rest of it I did just to get done basically. My inspiration for this sketch was the movie Metropolis, I had a whole different sketch planned out before but as I sketched it turned a little in a different directions. There are some little aspects of the movie that are still on my art piece such as the divided sides and the weird and mysterious half with mushroom that may seem more pleasant than the side where everyone looks alike and wears smiley face masks.

To quickly explain a little about my art project: Obviously the band in the middle in pretty self explanatory as all the digital technological devices and spread out in the middle dividing the two worlds. It is just a digital representation of the digital devices that we use. Game Cube, Ipods, Xbox, Television, Computers, Iphone, etc. On the bottom of the page I drew all the people who almost look identical. They wear smiley face masks which kind of represents their false happiness in their digital lives. They are drawn upside down so that their smiley faces would look kind of like they are frowning. This little part of my art basically is also saying how no matter how much we think or try to be different, and no matter how much we say things like "oh yeah, no I don't let my kids watch a lot of television" or whether we admit we are addicted to digital stimulation or not we are still all alike. We are sucked into to all the digital brainwash. The lines on the arms kind of gives a feel as if they were not humans, maybe puppets. Also the strings/lines is like a link to the other half of the sketch with all the mysterious mythical looking people in a mushroom looking world. They seem to look peaceful with the mushrooms and flowers growing on the other side. This part basically shows how we may think our world may be or how disoriented we may be dispite the fact that some people think that our lifestyles are perfectly line. Usually I like doing art that makes people create their own thoughts and click on their own imaginations to what they think my art is. I guess my summary is basically a couple examples of what one person may perceive my sketch to be saying or being a mirror of.

1 comment:

  1. you're incredible

    i watched you slave over this drawing in art class for a week.

    you truly pour your heart into whatever you are doing.

    no gas/homo

    maybe a little homo but definitely no gas
