Monday, November 23, 2009

Hw25- Story Comments and Analysis

Part 1
Maxiel's Story:
This sounds like at least one person per class. This in my personal opinion would be someone who is totally not cool and really annoying. I guess to some people it could be seem as cool, I do not see how but maybe its he "badass" kind of perception of it. Being cool maybe means to be able to have attitude and be publicly dramatic if that makes sense.
I noticed a little attraction part of it to. Being able to be attracted to the opposite sex, or same sex, or being able to be opposite to other human beings makes a person cool. This depends on what type of people you are wanting to attract makes a person cool

Conor's Story:
I enjoyed your short story I liked that it was in the point of view of a narratorr. I like that the whole thing was just pure dialogue. This characters is kind of a big ass hole but I guess in some cases this can be seen as cool. Making fun of someone for the extent of making your self look clever and funny. Like the class clown. I have seen this many times in class before. The main character seems more like a "want to be cool" person and the girl seems to be percieved as a cool person for sticking up with no fear.

SOOOOOOO....this is your perspective on the "dream guy" LMAO
interesting interesting....sounds a lot different then what I figured the dream guy might be. But besides that your story was really enjoyable to read. I can see that all those billion hours of journalism classes somewhat pay off although its not quite the same thing.
It seems that the typical cool guy to you is also kind of the typical "nice guy". He has a more subtle coolness, being away from the mainstream teenager activities like mating rituals and doing drugs, etc. Someone who has big dreams and goals about the future rather then focusing on the "in" of teenage lifestyle in the present. Cool cool. So since if this is your dream guy which is most obviously is *cough*, your might want to rethink your piorities to be able to attract a guy with these "cool" traits since that is one of the patterns i noticed of being "cool". Nate no likes party girls....
Oh by the way thanks for commenting on my story.

This was a really nice story, very subtle which is kind of like my story and a few others I have seen. I feel even though you didnt' speak about his clothing or his fancy doodats and junk, the car is a pretty big idea of what to have in order to be cool. Being able to own fancy expensive things is cool but only if you work hard and earn in. Being spoiled is seen as uncool for the most part but it seems hardwork and determination is seen as cool, espeically if it gets you expensive things. I really liked this story, it took a different setting then most people's story's who wrote about teenagers at school. Your was at a car dealership which is pretty random but cool. :)

Matt you are truly an amazing creative writer. Maybe script writer?
Its like all the good meaty parts to a sandwich... I think? I don't really know Im a vegetarian but you know what I mean. Writing it in a script form really got my attention. There was no fancy cheesy descriptions, those can get really boring to read.
Ok well first I think you really showed the idea of a "want to be" cool person. The girl shows me the sexual pattern to coolness. Being sexual and/or sexually attractive can be found as cool. Someone who is able to offer sex is cool but at the same time a someone who offers too much sex is seen as uncool. A slut. So this brings me the idea of what is just enough sex? What is just the right amount of sexual attractivness to give out the people to be seen as cool, not prude or a slut?
There is also a materialistic aspect of coolness. You have to wear clean clothing if not expensive clothing already. Being able to spent a lot of money and show off that you get whatever you want is seen as cool to many teenagers. Although at times if you show off too much you can be seen as coincided or spoiled. Again, WHAT IS JUST ENOUGH?
Again great story :) It was really cool. Gave me a lot of ideas.

Part 2

So when reading these stories I noticed a couple of general aspects of what makes someone "authentically cool" and "trying to appear cool". So far I have gotten attitude, self image (like a style or clothing), and sexuality or sexual attractiveness. Both are used in both authentically cool people in everyone's stories and trying to appear cool people. So first I will squeeze out where I notice these things in the stories or characters of the people who are perceived as authentically cool.

Firstly attitude to those who are seen as authentically cool come in a couple of ways. One of which is a subtle kind of attitude, someone who doesn't seem to care about what people think. "They are there own person" kind of vibe that everyone might say. They are mysterious and keep to themselves, they are the only one that knows what they are thinking or doing. The Archetype for these sort of mysterious and subtle characters can be categorized as The Mystic. Playing the role of the oh so mysterious character that everyone just wants to know what they are thinking of. These characters are seen in a lot of stupid cheesy love movies/ stories. One of which is book/movie Twilight. The dumbest porno like, sexist book ever written. I read the first few chapters of the first book and threw it out, the main character was some vampire guy who the female main character falls in love with was perceived as the Mystic. So mysterious and "sexy" where the girl could not stop but think about his mysterious attitude and why he was so quite and hardly ever spoke. Making the girl play the role of beautiful damsel in distress. (The whole series is about a bunch of guys who are all like vampires and werewolfs and such and they try to fight and win the love of a some girl who's horny or something where there is a bunch of scene describing their desires for each other...Sexist and STUPID. It makes women look weak and helpless and men all horny rapist pigs..again, STUPID.)

Another attitude or Archetype that is seen as really authentically cool is The Optimist (or whatever archetype you can call the optimistic person). This person is cool because of their optimistic view of life and their future. They are have "good" in their hearts and only want to seek adventure or life outside their daily routines. This is seen in Alicia or Jacob's story. Both guys in the character see goals in their future and stay optimistic and are appreciative but no other character relates. For example in Alicia's Story, "Nate sat and sighed, took out his notebook to a clean page that had not yet been touched with notes or doodles. He outlined the corner of his notebooks with the faces of strangers he hoped to meet in exotic places in countries far from here, places where you adjust to a new culture and appreciate the natural beauty of the world." This character no one seems to understand his views about life, he has bigger dreams and goals he wants to accomplish and is tired of the characters around him. He is the typical nice guy who just wants to experience new and better things and although life around him seems "empty" to him he still stays positive.

These are the two attitudes that I have noticed that some of the authentically cool characters have so far. The attitudes shown in the "fake" cool characters are like outspoken and obnoxiously vociferous characters. Those who put down other characters or disrupts to get lots of attention. I got this idea from Conor's story. The asshole type character who disrupts class, is loud and attracts attention by finding drawing attention to other characters, making fun of their personality or type of clothing. "He was wearing moccasins today. "Hey Daisy." He sat there and took his notes. "Yo sitting bull" He finally looked up, "Yo hole." I laughed a little, "Where did you find the buffalo to make the shoe man?'" If you read the whole story this character starts off disrupting class, makes fun of the character's shoes. By doing this it draws attention and may make others laugh but in reality it is seen as "fake coolness". It is seen as pathetic of pick on others because we learn that people put down others to bring up their own moral or confidence which is "uncool".

The next idea is image, as in how a person tries to show off their personal style with materialistic items or clothing. Just like sex the characters who seem to have a lot of expensive materialistic items or clothes are seen as uncool or trying to hard to be cool. Although those who have "just enough", who are always dressed nice and have interesting clean clothing but not too much to attract jealous attention amount others are seen as cool. Just like sex, what is exactly enough materialistic items to make someone just the right amount of cool? Like in Mathew's story the girl talks about how her outfits are over a thousand dollars makes her uncool. She is seen as spoiled and bratty which is uncool.

This leads to the next idea of sexual attractiveness or sexual openness. At most times being sexually attractive to other human beings can be based on the self image a person tries to show to others. In doing so its like when animals want to attract the right partner for mating, humans dress certain ways to attract specific partners as well. Being seen as "cool" increases your chances of obtaining a partner to do sex with. Unless you already have a partner to do sex with then your not cool since your "available" (only apply this to some people). I got this idea a lot from Mathew's story again. The girl in the story dresses not only in expensive clothing but revealing clothing as well which attracts her boyfriend to do sex. "Im wearing at least a thousand dollar outfit, everyone I know loves me, and my boyfriend wants to screw the hell out of me." says the female main character of the story. Since she was able to attract her boyfriend it makes her cool but she is seen as "fake cool" because of how overly sexual she is or openly sexual she is.

The fact that she would "open her legs" as people call it to just about anyone makes her a "slut" but yet people also see people who never do sexy as uncool because of how prude they are,at least for females this is true. Thus bringing up the question once again of what is just enough to make you cool? Its like filling up a cup, there is only one way to do it, if you fill it up too much you overflow it and it makes a mess. If you fill it up too little there is nothing to drink. Why is it that there is either too much or too little of something in order to be uncool? And what is the "just right" in order to be cool? This is beginning to sounds like Goldilocks, the oatmeal is too hot, too too cold, but the oatmeal in between both is "just right". (I think that is how the story goes).

Part 1

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